Managing a law firm, especially one that is paid solely on a contingency basis, is one of the most challenging occupations. Half the battle is knowing how to efficiently manage your cash flow, especially during tough economic times.
To help smooth out irregular bursts of cash flow, attorney financing in the form of law firm loans can be the solution you need to grow your business. Law firm loans, also referred to as an attorney's line of credit, can provide the financial flexibility and stability your firm requires to maximize cash flow and continue to grow.
Banks and other traditional lending sources simply do not understand the demands and needs of plaintiff attorneys. Nor do they take into account your caseload. RD Legal Funding, LLC, is well positioned to provide your law firm with the financing you need, whether it be $500,000 or $10,000,000. Of course, interest only accrues on funds that are outstanding. Plus interest expenses can often qualify as case-related expenses.
If you qualify for a law firm loan from RD Legal Funding, you can use the money for any purpose. Some examples include:
* Launching a new advertising campaign
* Meeting day to day operating expenses
* Paying for litigation related expenditures
* Keeping pace with deep pocketed defense attorneys
RD Legal Funding's attorney's line of credit application is simple, straightforward, and transparent. Rates are competitive with easy to understand terms. If you'd like to apply for a line of credit, please visit our law firm loans page. If you are interested in accelerating some of your settled cases, please visit our attorney legal funding site.
Written by David Smethie, Deal Origination Manager at RD Legal Funding, LLC