
Get and Keep Your Financial Ducks in a Row

At RD Legal Funding, our specialty is providing post settlement/judgment funding deals for lawyers and plaintiffs. We believe that the time between a settlement/judgment and receiving payment is the best time to seek and finalize a financing deal to benefit everyone involved.

It is better to be proactive than reactive. We recommend that lawyers and plaintiffs reach out early in the settlement process. That could be weeks before a settlement is finalized and even before the trial wraps up. This will give you sufficient time to find the right funding partners and develop a funding deal that works for you.

For attorneys, starting the funding conversation early is also sound business strategy. It helps you get and keep your financing ducks in a row so you can focus on your next big case, not the finances needed to pay expenses or grow your firm.

Over the years, we’ve had numerous clients reach out in advance of the settlement/judgment becoming final, and it pays off. Starting to work with us as you prepare for settlement or trial enables us to start our qualification and verification process early.  Being pre-qualified makes the funding process faster and easier once the settlement or judgment is reached. After all, signing the settlement or getting a judgment is a time for celebration, not worrying about finances.

Litigation funding is a powerful tool that can turn your success into greater financial stability for you and your firm. And just like most things in life, a little pre-planning can go a long way. By taking proactive steps and engaging with a litigation funding provider early, you position yourself for financial stability and growth.

Ready to get your financing ducks in a row? Don’t wait, contact the RD Legal Funding team today to discuss your options and stop waiting for your payments.

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